Describing Pictures

The African Mall, 40KBThe picture shows three women poing in front of their fruit-and-vagetable stall, which is located in the carpark in the middle of the mall. Behind the stall is the road that runs round the mall. Behind this can be seen shops, including a Nando's chicken outlet with flags flying from the roof.

Durian click to EnlargeIn Southeast Asia this is considered the king of fruits. So much so that in Thailand a worker will work all day to be able to buy one fruit. They are prized and quite expensive. Unfortunately in western culture they have gotten a bad reputation because of their strong odor. The fruit is almost the size of a basketball, light green, and very spiny. They are sweet with a custard like texture. The tree is large and likes some shade at first, and then full sun. It needs continuous consistent rain or watering. Does not like to dry out. It is a large tree that likes plenty of warmth.

Mangosteen click to EnlargeKnown as the queen of fruits, it is certainly a very delicious and sought after fruit. It is the size of a tennis ball, purple on the ouside and white on the inside. It has sections like a tangerine. The taste is difficult to describe as it is differet from other fruits. The texture is melting, and like the lychee, it is hard to stop eating them. The tree is small and slow growing. It takes 7 to 10 years to start bearing. It likes filtered sunlight until it is about 3 feet tall, and then full sun. Plant 25 to 30 feet apart.

Rambutan click to EnlargeA close cousin of the lychee. It is more tropical than the lychee. The fruit is red or yellow and has funny looking hairy appendages. The taste is somewhat similar, but the texture is more firm than the lychee. The tree is more of a consistent bearer than the lychee. The tree is medium sized and likes full sun and good drainage. Needs wind protection. Plant 25 to 30 feet apart.

Starflower and JasmineStarflower has reddish hair and is wearing a green winter jacket. She is sitting on the floor holding a large puppy in her lap. The puppy is named Jasmine and is a German Shepherd. Jasmine has a dark snout and large ears. Starflower and Jasmine are looking directly at the camera. Starflower is smiling. Jasmine looks quizzical.

That is Plaza Rengat. It is consist of two floorand ground flour. The colour of plaza is orange. There is a sign “Turn Around”. At the cover plaza. There are some plant which planting to make plaza look  more beautiful. Plaza Rengat at Jl. Bupati Tulus-Rengat.

They are twins. Both have similarity. Her face, hairs, eyes, color os skins, until her clothes. Both are pretty with straight brown hair and have bangs. Both seemed happy. Both have different expressions. The other one stuck out his tongue and the other to make the letter V in both hands.

This bedroom is very neat and clean. This room is very feminin and pink color is dominant in this room. There are blanket, flower on the vas, 2 pillows, computer and monitor, a cupboard, bed cover, a chair, 2 tables (big and small) and other accesories.

They are happy family. There are mother between the children, mother is teaching and guiding her daughters to can read Alquran. All of them is using scraft. Every child holding Alquran. Mother looks careful and serious to teach her daughter.

Look at the picture! Flood.. These floods accured probably due to the rainy season or also because the community around the river litter. The water level reached the adult knee. There appear some cars flooded the streets to the limit of its tires.                                            


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